I know it's been a while since I posted, but I have a good excuse. My hard drive crashed again! I had it replaced under warenty thank goodness, and the keyboard relplaced again thanks to Winston!! Little stinker! We haven't been up to too much, Bristol loves school. Winston misses him. But we have crazy eva to keep him company. I promise I'll get some pics up soon. I forgot to take first day of school pics!! I know I can't believe it either! I did get a little video but don't look for me to put it up since that is way beyond my technical abilities! Oh I guess I do have some pictues of David cutting down the dead tree in the front yard, looks like we will servive the winter after all with our new stack of firewood! Well the pictues were suppose to be under the text but I can never figure it out you are lucky I can get them on here at all!
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