Thursday, December 3, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!!
Halloween started with a trip to the ER with Winston who needed to be rehydrated and medicaded for the flu (not swine as far as we know). But his fever was down and he wanted to go trick or treating, which just goes to show you can't keep the boy down when candy is at stake! So we did one trip around the loop, in the car since it was raining. And they were in be by 8. Here are some pics, you can tell he isn't feeling the greatest....

Friday, October 30, 2009
What no posts for this month!?
Did I really let all of October pass without so much as a post? Shame on me! Well here are some pictures of our pumpkin carving adventure. Fall came fast here in east Tennessee. I know it wasn't this cold this early last year! So here ya go, some pumpkin pics, my birthday cake, and whatever else I can find on my computer from Oct. Plus I will post some post Halloween pics of the kids next week! Enjoy......

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
How cute are my kids?? Yesterday Winston brought my wedding pictures out and asked me to tell the the story of when I was a princess!! Then when I picked Bristol up from school he told me "I missed you all day long".. ahhhhh. This morning I was reading "Puff the Magic Dragon" to Winston and when I read...."and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called".....he would say "Honalee!"
So sweet!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Long time no post!

I know it's been a while since I posted, but I have a good excuse. My hard drive crashed again! I had it replaced under warenty thank goodness, and the keyboard relplaced again thanks to Winston!! Little stinker! We haven't been up to too much, Bristol loves school. Winston misses him. But we have crazy eva to keep him company. I promise I'll get some pics up soon. I forgot to take first day of school pics!! I know I can't believe it either! I did get a little video but don't look for me to put it up since that is way beyond my technical abilities! Oh I guess I do have some pictues of David cutting down the dead tree in the front yard, looks like we will servive the winter after all with our new stack of firewood! Well the pictues were suppose to be under the text but I can never figure it out you are lucky I can get them on here at all!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
House Pics
Here are some pics of the house. We have redone about everyroom except the bathrooms, but the main one did get a coat of blue paint. I don't know why some of these came out fuzzy, but now that the family is home from Indiana it doesn't look this clean anymore :( so it could be a while before I have more pics to post.

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